Recently, 50 Cent shared more about his upcoming residency in Las Vegas, what Drake will do next, and his past competition with Kanye West. Fifty said about his new gig, "I get to take it up a notch [with] the production value of the show and put on a special show. The show itself is a dream. We gotta turn it up a notch. I’m gonna be there for New Year’s [Eve]. That’s the real turn-up." He continued on Drake, "Drake is in that position right now. They trying to resist the music, because he put out some things that are dope. I say a lot of things on social media, and they get upset because they look and go, 'Ahh, I’m automatically supposed to be on Kendrick’s side because of my association with Dre.' And I love Kendrick, but I’ll say it to you — I didn’t see where what [Drake] did was wack at any point. They giving [Drake] the, 'Oh you wack, you finished.' I’m like, 'Nah, come on.' That’s the system trying to make some sort of resistance and it’s from the consistency. When you win consecutively, that part of the hip-hop demographic wants you out of there." He added about his competition with Kanye West in 2007, "We made the highest sales week for hip-hop culture, doing that and being competitive. People that were participating as fans were buying more than one copy of it, because of the competitive side of it. When you look at it… we had to stand together to face off, but we never had an issue. That was his 'break' album that broke him in. If I was trying to combat that, I would’ve went on tour with him. I would’ve had all of the material with the albums that worked ahead of [Graduation] to draw from, while he had that one record." Story source:
50 Cent Opens Up About Las Vegas Residency & Old Battle With Kanye West
Ed Szczepanski-USA TODAY Sports